Valuation of results, policy measures, management recommendations

The results of all of the previous work packages will fit into WP7. This WP will summarize all results and will translate them to an output that will meet the PONDSCAPES’ strategic objectives. Results of both biodiversity/ecosystem-oriented studies and socio-economic surveys will be presented at various meetings with members of the follow-up committee and at topical stakeholders’ workshops.

Existing policies will be evaluated (see also Task 6.2) and discussed with stakeholders in light of the results of WPs1-6: what do biological and socio-economic results tell us on extant policies at various levels? How are these policies perceived by stakeholders? How can they be improved? This will help us to reach our second strategic objective: the proposition of innovative socio-economic policies to enhance management practices of pond owners.

Finally, the results on the patterns and processes of biodiversity in ponds, and on the effects of various management practices will provide a set of management recommendations that aim to protect and enhance biodiversity in these habitat types. These draft recommendations will be integrated with results from the socio-economic analyses of the stakeholders’ perspective.